Thursday, November 11, 2010


Departing at 04:20pm Tue, Dec 28.

My flight is on the books.  It's real.  7 weeks.

I had a moment a few days ago - Am I dreaming?  Am I really going to South Africa?

I'm going.  A part of my mind already belongs to the country as my thoughts are consumed with the unknown.  The endless ponderings of what will it be like.  Questions that remain unanswered until the reality of it is real.

I'm on my way.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

It's official.

It's official.  The very gracious, much appreciated Dean Havens has approved my semester abroad in Cape Town.  How lucky am I?

It all started years ago when I went to ask Marita for a letter of recommendation for my acceptance into the UConn SSW.  And it turns out she was in South Africa for study abroad!  What?  South Africa?  We worked it out - my letter of recommendation arrived the day the application was due.  She's that type of woman, willing to do things for people on the other side of the world even when she's in the midst of a busy schedule.   And I have no doubt that her letter helped in my acceptance.

So last year, Marita comes to the SSW with Vernon to talk to students and faculty about getting graduate students involved with the Cape Town study abroad program.  I distinctly remember after that talk thinking: I have to go.  But how?  Win the lottery?  Because how on earth could I afford to graduate a semester late, or maybe even a year late because the classes I needed for that final semester were only offered during the spring semester.  Not to mention the cost of the flight, living expenses, and how could I go 4 months without seeing my family and friends?

But something told me I had to go.  I gave up at the moment, telling myself it'd never work and I'd never have the money.

Flash forward to September 2010:  I head to UConn Storrs to meet with the Community Outreach office and make a point to visit with Women's Center folks and, of course, Marita.  First words out of her mouth: So are you coming to South Africa?  Ok maybe that's not the full truth, I think she said hello first.

Ok, so what if I tried to propose it to the school?  What if I took some steps to make it happen?  If I'm meant to go, it'll all work out.  And the money will appear.

I've never had so much faith in the Universe.

I realize I only have one class left to take, but have to take another class (elective, anything) to remain full time and still get my financial aid.

What if I Skype into that one class from Cape Town?

I could ask the school to help me with the cost of the flight.

Marita says I can maybe live with her, we can figure out what housing options are later.  Lets talk to the SSW first.

Turns out a whole bunch of students are going this year - so many that they'll need another house.  And another RA.  And they want someone with previous RA experience.  I'd get free housing.  Chills down my spine.

Write a proposal, official, meet with necessary faculty at the SSW.  Surprisingly, they're supportive and excited.  Weeks later, they meet to discuss how I can finalize my proposal and submit it to the dean.

Then the email shows up in my inbox: I’m happy to tell you that Associate Dean Catherine Havens has approved your international field placement proposal.  You can now move forward with your plans. 

It's official.  I'm going to Cape Town, South Africa for 4 months.  All expenses paid.  

There's a radiating warmth in my body.  Is it hope?